The Factory Foreman (me!) finally found a place for all of those side-projects LSnS churns out every week. So many of them don't belong on the main site since they aren't in the 'permanent collection' but they are interesting enough to share...thus a blog!
So, stay tuned here for lots of photos (in process photos too!) of current projects. Soon I'll update you on all of my applique projects like this picture of a tee shirt I made for a monkey-crazed 3-year-old.
I'm also working a bit with some chenille. I made some lovely burpers last week...but of course I didn't take any pics. There are other chenille projects in the works, so stay tuned!
Most of all, let me know what you think.
So many of my custom projects are ideas hatched by my customers. So, feel free to hatch your own and we'll see what we can come up with together.
1 comment:
Quite cute stuff and I'll be checking back for updates on new projects. Thanks for sharing.
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